Recommended Shooting Environment

Detection Criteria

Detection Target Size
(=Body’s Height)
Recommended to be at least 1/3 of the screen height
Subject VisibilityThe entire body must be visible.
Depression & Elevation Angle
(angle between camera and subject)
Within 60 degrees
Detectable People for Load Analysis1 person

・In video analysis mode, manually select one person from the detected individuals for analysis.
・In live analysis mode, the person closest to the center of the screen is automatically selected for analysis.


Video Requirements for Analysis

  • Footage that has a file extension of .avi, .mp4 or .mov.*
  • Must be a color video

*Some videos might not be importable.

Subject Requirements

The person being analyzed must be at least 1/3 of the screen height.
The entire body from head to toe must be visible on the screen.

・Analysis is still possible if some parts of the body are outside the screen or hidden behind objects, but accuracy will decrease compared to when the whole body is visible.

There must be no overlap between people.
The person being analyzed should not be facing away.

・Accuracy may decrease if the face is not visible.

The person should not be lying down or in a headstand position.

Good example

① At least 1/3 of the screen
② Entire body is visible on the screen
④ The person is not facing away
Captures full-body skeletal information ideal for load analysis

Bad example

② Entire body is not fully visible on screen
Unable to capture skeletal information
③ Overlapping of people
※Difficulty in cropping
Unable to capture skeletal information
⑤ Person is lying down
Posture cannot be analyzed correctly

Background and Shooting Conditions

Ensure sufficient lighting
Choose a background that makes the person easy to recognize

・Avoid portraits or photos of people, models, or houseplants that might cause misidentification.

Good example

① Ensure sufficient lighting
② Make sure only the person being analyzed is visible
Full-body skeletal information suitable for load analysis can be obtained.

Bad example

② Models or mannequins are in the background.
The system mistakenly recognizes the model, and skeletal information on the subject cannot be obtained.

Clothing Guidelines

Clothing that clearly shows the body line is desirable
Avoid patterned clothing

・T-shirts should not have images of people printed on them.

Make the boundaries between the upper and lower body clear through color or the way the clothes are worn.

・Tuck in long shirts to help the system recognize the waist.
・Avoid wearing the same color for both the top and bottom.

Face must be visible

・Tie up long hair.
・Remove hoods, masks, and ties.

Good example

  • ① Clothing that clearly shows the body line

Bad example

  • ② Patterned clothing

  • ③ Clothing with unclear body boundaries

  • ④ Face is covered