2024.05.10 News

NEXT-SYSTEM starts sales of VP-Ergono overseas


FUKUOKA, Japan – NEXT-SYSTEM Co., Ltd has released VP-Ergono, its AI powered ergonomic evaluation software, to the international public. The software allows people to check their posture in real-time and check whether they are doing long-term damage to themselves. The Japanese AI developer predicts that the program will lead to an unparalleled level of worker safety and health. Interested parties can purchase the software immediately, or test it out for free with no strings attached for 30 days.

VP-Ergono uses the OWAS method as its basis, but combines that with NEXT-SYSTEM’s powerful, proprietary AI engine to automate the process. This solves a lot of the problems that plague the method.

Yoshio Fujita, founder and CEO of NEXT-SYSTEM, explains that the issues with the OWAS method moved the company to make VP-Ergono. “The OWAS method is the internationally acclaimed standard, but there are still plenty of improvements to be made. At NEXT-SYSTEM, we have decided to do just that. One of the improvements is that you are no longer reliant on a human observer. Not every human judges an action the same way, but AI is consistent, and as such you will get more accurate observations.

The OWAS method also judges actions in a vacuum, which does not give an accurate image of how damaging a movement truly is. VP-Ergono allows you to get an average rating over a period of time, which gives you much more information about whether a movement is really that damaging.”

VP-Ergono is designed to be used with any type of camera, and only requires a computer to be able to run. Users can use both prerecorded and live footage to quickly detect whether their posture needs improvement, and can make changes to both posture and surroundings to improve their long-term health. Interested parties can learn more on VP-Ergono’s website, and also get in touch with the team at NEXT-SYSTEM for other questions. VP-Ergono is also available as a 30-day free trial.